dinsdag 13 april 2010

DFC with multiple dfc.properties files

UPDATED: I have called quits on this little sideproject.  It was working ok-ish, but it was not performant enough and I just couldn't bring myself to make this work.
Source code can be handed out if you'd like to give it a try.

For now I'll just focus (lol) on the SennMagic library

I developed a small Java package that allows you to code a DFC based application that uses multiple dfc.properties files.

I'm still in the testing phase, but if you want to try it out (and help me test it) you can contact me and ask for the package.

It has to be tested in
- various OS's
- different Documentum setups (Oracle, SQL Server)
- single- & multithreaded DFC apps (this might show us a few bugs)
- webapps

You can contact me through
- replying here
- mail
- twitter
- EMC Community Forums

Use "SennMagic DFC" as subject.


EDIT: to avoid confusion: this jar cannot be found on our SourceForge page yet!

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